This app does exactly what I was hoping it would do and does it easily. I have a few suggestions: First, I would like to see an option to remove the cursor arrow. Ditto with the fake reflection crescent at the top of the glass. Although faint, for me its an unnecessary distraction. Lastly, I think the instructions need to be updated a bit. Im running the latest Mac OS, which at this writing is 10.8.3. The keys given for the screen capture are Shift-Cmd-2. This did not work. After experimening I discovered that the following works: Shift-Cmd-4, then Spacebar, then take the picture with a left mouse click. Note that theres no audible click, just a short, quiet delay, then the capture shows up on your desktop or in your documents folder, whatever youve chosen in the settings. Come to think of it, Id also like to see an option to delete the metal border from the captures. This is a slick app that feels like it came with your Mac OS. It is now one of my permanent start-up apps.